Our strength lies in our people, united is building success.

Ahmed Awad

Ahmed Awad Portfolio

Ahmed's Path: Big Projects, Real Growth, Lasting Impact

Achievements Infographic

Since 2011, Ahmed has overseen projects with a total value of 750 million Riyals, leading a team of over 1,500 employees. His extensive experience includes managing 500,000 cubic meters of concrete work, demonstrating his commitment to delivering large-scale, high-impact construction projects. These impressive milestones reflect Ahmed’s continuous growth and success in the industry, driving excellence in every phase of project execution.


Million Saudi Riyals in revenue in projects overseen by Ahmed


Employees under Ahmed’s leadership


Cubic meters of concrete work managed by Ahmed

Ahmed Awad's Leadership, Philosophy & Key Skills .

Ahmed Awad’s leadership success stems from his ability to build and manage successful teams and companies from the ground up. His core strengths include:


Founding Departments & Teams

He is adept at establishing different departments and assembling teams that drive organizational success.


Chain & Integration

Skilled in supply chain management, vendor relations, and ensuring seamless integration across systems and departments.



Known for introducing cutting-edge technologies and processes to optimize efficiency and reduce operational costs.


Mega Revenue Growth

Under his leadership, Ahmed drove revenue from mega transactions, scaling from 12.15 million to 650 million in just three years.


Collaboration & Client

Fosters a collaborative work environment and ensures transparent communication with clients, consistently delivering projects that exceed expectations.
Ahmed Awad Portfolio

Set the standard with every step forward